Le Qi gong, qu’allons-nous pratiquer ?

Corps – souffle – esprit.

Nous pratiquerons généralement la posture debout du corps en harmonie avec le corps, la respiration et l’esprit, de sorte que le début de nos mouvements sera le résultat de la
concentration de notre intention et que nous pourrons ensuite suivre progressivement la voie du Tai Chi Quan.

Simultanément, nous allons pratiquer le Qi Gong les trois étapes de la respiration, c’est-à-dire : premièrement, «ne pas faire attention à sa respiration pendant que l’on fait l’exercice», deuxièmement, «suivre la respiration», ce qui signifie qu’il est temps d’ouvrir les portes de nos impressions et de voir et entendre les explications du professeur et enfin, «oublier la respiration», ce qui signifie à nouveau ne pas y faire attention et laisser la respiration travailler naturellement et faire le reste des exercices.

«Ce n’est qu’au cours de cette troisième étape que la respiration deviendra naturelle, et qu’elle deviendra une respiration longue, douce et continue à la manière du Qi Gong».

Dr Liu Dong

Ensuite, nous pratiquerons le Qi Gong du «nettoyage du corps, de l’âme et de l’esprit».

Enfin, nous commencerons à pratiquer le Qi Gong des «Trois zones de la colonne vertébrale» («Jade Body Gong») afin de les débloquer et de les élargir en utilisant la respiration naturelle, ce qui favorisera le flux naturel d’énergie vitale et stimulera notre pouvoir de guérison naturel.

Plus tard, lors de séances privées, nous essaierons de déterminer dans quelle zone de la colonne vertébrale nous devons accorder plus d’attention et de soins, et nous devrons donc
faire plus souvent des exercices de concentration et utiliser l’acupuncture et d’autres techniques nécessaires si nécessaire pour le bien de notre santé.

Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.

Our program follows a structure which makes for you easy if you are interested to continue
your exercise latter, back in your country, so, our practicing steps are coupling with the main Qi
Gong schools which you will find latter in many European cities.

Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong

Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong is one of the basic medical Qi Gong that a beginner needs to learn. The results of various medical studies have revealed that Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong significantly improves the flexibility of the spine, calves and Achilles tendon, as well as the shoulder joint and sacroiliac joint. In addition, it relieves knee pain and strengthens the entire physical structure, especially the quadriceps and calves. They consist of 8 exercises ( Ba – eight, Duan – section, Jin – silk), stimulating the movement of energy in the 12 primary meridians to improve the health of the internal organs ( Zang fu ). They are very easy to learn and master quickly, seeing immediate results in health.

Shi Ba Shi Qi Gong is an enjoyable Qi Gong with 18 movements. Its simplicity helps us to learn it quickly, releasing the muscular tension in our body as the body tissues soften, joints release and open, blood vessels and meridians dilate, allowing the life force (Qi) and blood circulation to flow more freely. It is a Qi Gong that helps the free flow of energy by unblocking and easing emotional and psychological tensions. It was created through Yang style Tai chi chuan, where the timing of gentle movement and breathing helps us to relax while remaining alert.

Shi Ba Shi Qi Gong

Five elements in four directions

Five elements in four directions Qi Gong is a QI Gong with spiraling movement in the four directions and is about the circle of control (Ke ). Where metal controls wood, wood controls earth, earth controls water, water controls fire, fire controls metal. This particular Qi Gong can be practiced at any time of the day and helps to balance psycho-emotional tensions.






Tai chi chuan (yang style 24) is a short series of movements based on the long series of 108 movements of Yang style Tai chi chuan. This short series of 24 movements was created in 1956 by four teachers at the request of the Chinese government to cater for all ages. Because of the gentle movements, without much difficulty, it gives everyone what they need, helping the practitioner to improve their health. Taichi teaches us to relax amidst the tensions created by modern life. In this way it makes the body softer and the mind more focused on daily activities. For this reason tai chi chuan has been called meditation in motion.

Tai chi chuan (yang style 24)