Instruct by Yiorgos

  • 16 June – 24 June
  • 24 June – 02 July

  • 02 July – 10 July

  • 10 July – 18 July

  • 18 July – 26 July

Each eight-day circle includes:

  • Welcome Dinner

    The first day which consider as the arrival day will be a free from exercise and treatment day to settle down in the room, get to know the village, supply necessary things to organize your staying and rest from the trip. Latter we will have a Welcome Dinner to get to know each other better.

  • Exercise

    From the second day of staying we will have every morning – seven totally – meetings of one hour and half for practicing: – Qi Gong of “Ba Duan Jin”, “Shi Ba Shi” and “Five Elements in Four Directions”. – Tai Chi Chuan of 24 forms (Yang Style).

  • Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine

    Also from the second day of your stay onwards, we will have private meetings for Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments (totally four sessions). Depending on the indications we will use acupuncture or/and ear acupuncture or/and cupping and herbal remedies suggestions for latter use in home.

  • Farewell Dinner

    The eighth day, last day of this basic revitalization retreat, we will have a goodbye dinner.


Instruct by Christos

  • 26 July – 03 August

  • 03 August – 11 August

  • 11 August – 19 August

  • 19 August – 27 August

  • 27 August – 04 September

Basic eight-day revitalization retreat:

  • Welcome Dinner

    The first day which consider as the arrival day will be a free from exercise and treatment day to settle down in the room, get to know the village, supply necessary things to organize your staying and rest from the trip. Latter we will have a Welcome Dinner to get to know each other better.

  • Exercise

    From the second day of staying we will have every morning – seven totally – meetings of one hour and half for practicing:

    – Qi Gong “The power of the cross” (“Give my offers to all directions”), “Cleaning the body, soul and spirit” and the “3 Spine Areas Qi Gong” (“Jade Body”).
    – Tai Chi Chuan of 24 forms (Yang Style).

  • Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine

    Also from the second day of your stay onwards, we will have private meetings for Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments (totally four sessions). Depending on the indications we will use acupuncture or/and ear acupuncture or/and cupping and herbal remedies suggestions for latter use in home.

  • Farewell dinner

    The eighth day, last day of this basic revitalization retreat, we will have a goodbye dinner.


Instruct by Yiorgos

  • 04 September – 12 September
  • 12 September – 20 September
  • 20 September – 28 September

Each eight-day circle of this period includes the same as in the first period.
• Participation fee of each basic eight-day revitalization retreat: 450


• Group of maximum 10 persons
• If the starting dates of the Basic eight-day revitalization retreat do not suit you, you can choose as the start of your Methana Holistic Summer Retreat Holidays any date in the summer that suits you and we will arrange two extra half-hours of special individual Qi Gong practice which is enough to make up for the lost experience in than the rest of the group and so you will easily be able to keep up. Additional fee of 50 €.
• Of course there is the possibility to participate for more days! Let us know and we will arrange it.

It is a fact that if you choose the Full 16 Days Program the revitalization you can gain will elevate you to the maximum possible degree being a unique life experience and a starting point to a new consciousness. Also, it should be emphasized that in the basic eight-day revitalization retreat we cannot learn the whole 24 forms of Tai Chi Quan. It takes at least two weeks. But, If you don’t have that time frame available, do not be discouraged cause the important in this exercise is to understand and experience how to do the movements according to “The Ten Essential Principles for the practice of Tai Chi Chuan” to get the maximum strength of your spirit, soul and body, which does not depend in the stock of forms one knows.



  • Chinese food courses

    “Let’s cook together Chinese Traditional recipes” (in two independent parts), by Liu Fang.

    Τhree-hour meetings in which we will cook together, explain and teach the way of cooking the traditional Chinese recipes with basic introduction to the 5 elements theory applied on diet and near about the sun set hour, we will dine together to enjoy our cooked recipes.

  • Calligraphy of the basic traditional Chinese philosophical characters by Liu Fang

    Three-hour meeting for better understanding the Chinese culture and people through the “nice writing way” (Calligraphy) of the ideograms.

  • Hiking the trails on the peninsula of Methana

    In Methana at the old times the villages were connected by a network of paths and all business was done through these paths. In recent years there has been a lot of interest from walkers and hiking enthusiasts, so various volunteers clean and preserve these paths. Also there has been interest in creating a geothermal park on the Methana peninsula, a proposal made by a Swiss geologist who had lived and loved the area. But unfortunately it has not materialised so far, we hope this interesting proposal will sooner or later pave the way for this geothermal park to be realised.

    Once a week we will organize a hike on one of the Methana trails.

  • Additional Tai Chi Quan and Qi Gong exercise.

    One hour and half in the evening.

  • Thermal baths

    Within the hotel “AI PIGAI” in Methana, there is the hydrotherapy center “AGIOI ARANGYROI” with the thermal spring of the same name. Clients can take NATURAL baths, THERMAL baths and HYDROMASSAGE, which are indicated for chronic diseases, such as rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, sciatica, neck diseases, skin diseases and gynecological diseases. The hydrotherapy center has an outdoor heated pool [overflow – hydromassage] with thermal water, as well as a massage – physical therapy room and a changing room. There is, in addition, a doctor for the prescribed medical examination and follow-up of the clients throughout their spa therapy. The “AGIOI ARANGYROI” hydrotherapy center operates according to the scientific rules of hydrotherapy. It also accepts external customers.

    We can arrange to visit them and indulge in the beneficial effect of the thermal water.


Contact us for details and any help

Deside your available days and book your preferred hotel in Methana village or at the other around locations if you plan to have a vehicle. Hotel suggestion from us is the Apollon hotel which is in front of the sea and just 5 minutes walking from the exercise place.

Arrange and book your travel way to Methana

Inform us for your transport way and hotel booking details and finally,

Book your participation to our Holistic Summer Retreat Group (until 15 of May 2023).